A Building Automation System (BAS), (also referred to as a Building Management System or a Building Control System), is a system that controls various electric, electronic and mechanical systems throughout a building.
It is a distributed control system that integrates different types of building systems together into one centralized location. Building automation systems are primarily utilized to control the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) in a building, but are also used to control lighting, security and other building systems.
BAS works as a computer networking system that monitors and controls a range of other electronic and mechanical systems. It provides a means for these disparate systems to communicate across platforms, software and languages.
We offer design, development, project management, and maintenance of Building Automation Systems, which include:​
HVAC Automation
Chiller Plants
Air Handling Units
Dust Collector & Vacuum Systems
Room Environmental Monitoring
Room Pressure Control
Room Temperature & Humidity Control
Critical Room Environmental States Precise Control
Trending and Histories
Modern and Continuously Updated User Interfaces
Existing HVAC BAS Integration and more…
Utility Automation
Heat Machines
Steam Systems
Waste Water Treatment Plants
Tanks Monitoring
USP Purified Water Systems
Fuel Transfer Systems
Compress Air Systems
Gas Monitoring Systems
Utilities metering and more…
Electrical/Lighting Automation
Lighting On/Off Scheduling
Lighting Dimming
Energy Transfer Systems
Capacitor Banks
Power Monitoring & Reports Systems
Automation Development
Energy Optimization Building Automation Designs
Professional Drafting Services
Building Modernizing Plan
Investment VS Cost Study
Advanced Web Based Human Interfaces
Control and Monitor your Building with your Smart Phone and/or Tablet
Alarms & Security
Fire Alarm System Integration
Smoke Evacuation
Advanced Security Controlled Access Systems
Advanced Security Cameras and Surveillance
User Friendly Alarms Console Interface
Email & Text Message Alarms
Fire Alarm System Integration
Smoke Evacuation
Advanced Security Controlled Access Systems
Advanced Security Cameras and Surveillance
User Friendly Alarms Console Interface
Email & Text Message Alarms
High-Tech State of the Art Monitoring Equipment:
Temperature & Humidity Pressure
Liquid/Gas Sensing & Flow Power